Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gap of Inequality Between Social Classes in the United States

In the article â€Å"Confronting Inequality†, Paul Krugman argues that the gap of inequality between social classes in the United States is growing because of self- interest. He cites a â€Å"movement conservative†, Irving Kristol, who claims income inequality is not important because there is social equality. Krugman uses Kristol’s statement as a starting position to state his own. Krugman describes the claim as being a â€Å"fantasy world† and not the â€Å"real America we live in† (Krugman 246). I agree with his statement, many people were not aware of this issue five years ago, the fact that the upper class is gaining power. They have â€Å"their own virtual country† and â€Å"a separate economy† (Krugman 246). The upper class has many opportunities that prevent†¦show more content†¦The rich have their own well-off lifestyle and the other classes are struggling to even keep a home. The middle class buys houses that they ca nnot afford in order to try and give their children the opportunity to be successful. Many times these houses are close to desirable school districts that give middle-class children a good education. Unable to keep up with the payments, many of these new homes are taken away and middle class families file for bankruptcy because they have no way of making ends meet. Reducing inequality takes work and the United States barely lifts a finger. Krugman believes that a change should begin in the health care system. American’s health insurance is gone if they get fired or quit their job. Other countries such as France help unemployed individuals by keeping their health insurance even after they lose their job. The government does more to keep their people healthy than in the United States. The health care system in America is a problem because the upper class can afford procedures that can save their life. The lower class people, on the other hand, cannot help themselves and theref ore seek government help and support. They struggle to pay their procedures and worry extensively if their insurance does not cover them. The inequality in the United States is problematic and the first step in the right direction is to make health care accessible to all individuals. Self- interest in America is driving powerfulShow MoreRelatedHow Income Inequality Is Hurting America1271 Words   |  6 PagesHow Income Inequality is Hurting America Vermont Senator and presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, said it best when he said â€Å"A nation will not serve morally or economically when so few have so much, and so many have so little.† This quote perfectly describes the issue that The United States is currently dealing with: income inequality. Income inequality is the gap between how much money is made by the rich and everyone else in the nation. 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