Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analyzing The Association Between Intake Of Different...

In this study, we conducted multivariate linear regression analysis to examine the association between intake of different types of beverages and obesity outcomes in children and adults. We found out that, SSB intake in both children and adults had the significant contribution to obesity outcomes. This positive association is consistent with previous studies reporting a strong positive dose-response relationship between intake of SSB and adiposity among Australian and Danish children (12, 21), and positive association between SSB intake and obesity in adults (5, 6). A recent study aiming to investigate factors related to SSB consumption in Australia also pointed out that obese people were more likely to drink SSB than people in normal†¦show more content†¦Limit evidence in energy mediating effect may indicate that non-energy effect of SSB, such as its contribution to accelerating glycemic load, may play an essential role in increasing the risk of obesity (9). In this study, we observed a significant decrease in BMI and WC after replacing SSB with tea/coffee, fruit juice, water and milk in adults and a significant increase in BMI/BMI-z score and WC with the replacement of diet drink in both children and adults. No significant association was found in between intake other SSB alternatives and obesity outcomes in children. Children Several previous findings demonstrated that substitution of SSB with water and milk has significantly adverse effect on obesity outcomes (14, 24).Water has always been acknowledged as a good alternative of SSB due to its possible reduce the effect on energy intake (25). This finding is consistent with the previous prospective cohort study among Australian children, which also explore the beneficial effect on weight control by replacing SSB with water. A cohort study among 9-year-old Danish children also indicated the inverse association between substitution effects of milk on building fatness. Milk has always been recommended as healthy beverage choice for

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